Now you can search Google Maps with address,area,longitude,latitude,pincode through the Google api.
I now designed a tool to search google maps directly with the input text.
The idea behind google map from address is simple.It is based on reverse geocoding google map.I am using google map v3 api.
Lets get right to the topic
here we will just use google map api
and jquery
and jquery
to get map from Google you need location’s longitude and latitude
you can get location geocode from google map Geocoder function.
you can get location geocode from google map Geocoder function.
How google maps by address works
Stage 1 : Your Address goes to geocoder.
address includes address, city/town , State, postalcode and country.
Function : google.maps.Geocoder();
Stage 2 : Geocoder fetch your address’s latitude and longitude.
Stage 3: These latitude and longitude value passed to the google map function.
Function : google.maps.Map();
Stage 4: The google map then represent these latitude and longitude value in map.
you can design your info window of address here by
Function : google.maps.InfoWindow()Also you can set the title of your location by marker function.
Function : google.maps.Marker()
Feature of google maps by address widget
- You can select from all the four view of google map.
ROADMAP displays the normal, default 2D tiles of Google Maps.
SATELLITE displays photographic tiles.
HYBRID displays a mix of photographic tiles and a tile layer for prominent features.
TERRAIN displays physical relief tiles for displaying elevation and water features. - You can set the zoom level of the map.
- You can get longitude latitude from google maps address(can find geocode).
- Find location by latitude longitude google map.
Source: Buffernow.com
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